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  • Timing and diplomacy are keys to CT scans in the emergency department

    Your ED is overflowing with patients, the wait time is heading toward double-digit hours, and youre short-staffed again. So when you walk by an exam room and see a patient sitting there sipping contrast fluid the same contrast he was drinking an hour ago your blood pressure goes through the roof.
  • Radiology’s point of view: Work with us on CT scans

    When working with your radiology department to reduce the time it takes to get abdominal computed tomography (CT) scans for emergency patients, be sure to look at the issue from their perspective, suggests the nations leading radiologist.
  • Mental illness taxing EDs, affecting other patients

    If it seems youre seeing more patients with mental illnesses recently, youre not imagining it. The number of people with mental illness seeking care in the ED has surged recently, and the increase is taking a toll on other ED care, says J. Brian Hancock, MD, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) in Irving, TX.
  • Journal Reviews

    Hsu J, Reed M, Brand R, et al. Cost sharing: Patient knowledge and effects on seeking emergency department care. Med Care 2004; 42:290-296. Saketkhoo DD, Bhargavan M, Sunshine JH, et al. Emergency department image interpretation services at private community hospitals. Radiology 2004; 231:190-197. Lyons MS, Lindsell CJ, Trott AT. Emergency department pelvic examination and Pap testing: Addressing patient misperceptions. Acad Emerg Med 2004; 11:405-408.
  • More Antibiotic Resistance — Now Syphilis

    Azithromycin therapy failed in a patient in San Francisco with a primary syphilitic chancre which subsequently resolved after administration of a single dose of benzathine penicillin. Sequencing of the 23S rRNA genes of Treponema pallidum from 2 San Francisco patients who had failed azithromycin therapy revealed the presence of a mutation identical to that previously associated with macrolide resistance in a single isolate (T. pallidum, Street 14 strain).
  • Full May 1, 2004 Issue in PDF

  • Hospitalist use increases: What is the benefit for EDs?

    Hospitalists are becoming much more common in American health care and soon could change the way EDs work with physicians, says Ron Greeno, MD, chief medical officer and senior vice president of physician services at Cogent Healthcare in Laguna Hills, CA, one of several companies that provide hospitalist services across the country.
  • Want to improve service? Promise a 30-minute wait

    Even if you dont want to offer a service guarantee like those EDs that promise to treat patients in 30 minutes or less, you probably wouldnt mind streamlining your ED and improving patient flow through. So how do those hospitals promising fast service improve their EDs enough to make that promise possible?
  • Bioterror system reveals other patterns and illnesses in EDs

    These are some of the patterns and unusual illnesses detected by the bioterrorism surveillance system being used in some Florida hospitals.
  • Diversion crisis eases, but strategies still critical

    Fast-track systems and 23-hour observation units are helping EDs across the country reduce ambulance diversions, but more effort is needed, one analyst says. A hospitalwide focus on more efficient use of beds also is helping ease the problem, she adds.